Harry Belafonte Discography

Welcome to this website.
Here you will find all about Harry Belafonte's songs, recordings, videos, books, tours and persons around him.
I hope you will enjoy  your visit.

Åke Holm

08 jul 2024
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since June, 13, 1998

Harry Belafonte's official website:


Important note:
 This site is not associated with Mr Belafonte or anyone working with him! This is a fan site from Sweden covering his music and related items only!
The discographies on this site are totally non-commercial. They are created by me only as an avid admirer of all the artists and their music. My ambition is that the discographies should be used as a reference for musical history and to present this kind of music to those of you who has not yet discovered all these wonderful artists and their music.

All information compiled by Åke Holm, Sweden